Board Game – War of the Ring

War of the Ring

James bought the The War of the Ring board game from England for me. It costs me 420 Yuan.

The War of the Ring strategic board game allows players to experience the dramatic event and epic conflict that occureed before the end of the Third Age of Middle Earth. It allows players to not only control the military might of Men, Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits, and the forces of Sauron, but also Tolkien’s legendary characters, making the fateful decisions of the Fellowship of the Ring or guiding the dreadful servants of Sauron as they hunt for the Ring-bearer. The War of the Ring is usually playable in under three hours but can last longer if played with more than two players.

This enormous game includes a gameboard depicting a large color map of Middle Earth; 200+ plastic figures representing the Armies and Characters of the Lord of the Rings, including the Nazgul, each member of the Fellowship of the Ring, Shadow Army units, Free People Army and Leader units and Minions of the Shadow; 135 die-cut cardboard counters; 100+ cards for Events and Characters; and over 20 dice.

So you can see the complexity of this huge stuff, huh? Every time we play this monster it will spend us more than 3 hours. We always are all exhausted when we finish one battle.

Another weird thing is the dark side has never winned for at least one time. Is it a little unbalanced? Maybe need more practice.

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About Mess

Mess is a designer and a writer/translator in Graphic/UI/Flash fields. Also he plays guitars in several Rock N’ Roll bands in spare time.

He is now living in Beijing, China.