A Rock Gig in My Hometown

Mess of SmartKin in Wuhan

Smartkin, the band in which I playing guitar, was invited by whrock.com to perform in “Wuhan Rock Festival 2008” during the National days. You know that’s pretty nice cause the 4 members of Smartkin are all from Wuhan. That means we can get free tickets to go back to hometown and enjoy the holiday.

However, it was a nightmare when we taking all the bags, notebook, effectors and guitars from Beijing to Wuhan by train! I finished MAO by Ross Terrill when I had nothing to do in the carriage.

Nonetheless, the performance was wonderful. We met lots of old friends, and Gao (he’s the singer of my former band, a talent photographer) took tons of photos for us.

You can see those photos in my Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/messbook/sets/72157611945464246/

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About Mess

Mess is a designer and a writer/translator in Graphic/UI/Flash fields. Also he plays guitars in several Rock N’ Roll bands in spare time.

He is now living in Beijing, China.